QuickBooks Error 15240 Payroll Update Fail! Learn How to Fix

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QuickBooks Error 15240 Accounting
Jun 18, 2024

QuickBooks Error 15240 is a common issue encountered by users when updating their QuickBooks software or payroll services. This error can be frustrating, as it prevents the software from functioning properly. In this blog, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, consequences, and solutions to fix this error 15240 in QuickBooks, ensuring you have all the information you need to resolve this payroll update issues and get back to effectively managing your business finances.

Are you facing payroll update failure with error 15240 in QuickBooks? If so, don’t panic! We’re here to guide and help you troubleshoot this issue. You can call at 1-844-266-9345

What Does the QuickBooks Error 15240 Mean?

Typically, QuickBooks Error 15240 takes place during the payroll update process of QuickBooks Desktop. While trying to update payroll service, QuickBooks users get the following error messages: 

  • “Error 15240: The payroll update was not completed successfully. The file specified cannot be opened.”
  • “Error 15240: The payroll update was not completed successfully. The file exists.”
  • “Error 15240: The update of QuickBooks failed.”
  • “Error 15240: Internet connection error: unknown error.”
  • “Error 15240: The update did not complete successfully. QuickBooks cannot verify the digital signature of the update file.”

This problem can arise due to multiple reasons, including incorrect settings, internet connectivity issues, or administrative privileges about which we will discuss in the next section. Certainly, understanding these root causes will help you troubleshoot the error with the most appropriate method. 

Also Read: QuickBooks Error PS077

What Triggers the Error 15240 QuickBooks Desktop?

As noted above, there are multiple reasons for facing error 15240 QuickBooks Desktop. Below, we have listed and explained the most common ones: 

Internet Explorer Settings

For web-based functionalities, QuickBooks uses Internet Explorer. Make sure these settings are correct and you’re using the latest versions of Internet Explorer. Else, the incorrect settings and an outdated Internet Explorer version can significantly trigger this error.

Firewall and Internet Security Settings

Sometimes, firewalls or security software block QuickBooks and its related service updates like payroll for Windows security purposes. As a result, it may bring error 15240 QuickBooks Desktop while trying to update the payroll service.

Incorrect Date and Time Settings

If your computer system’s date and time settings are incorrect, it can lead to issues with verifying security certificates. These security certificates are essential while updating QuickBooks or its services like payroll. Thus, the incorrect date and time settings can also bring error 15240. 

Corrupted QuickBooks Installation

Also, in some cases, a corrupted or incomplete installation of QuickBooks can lead to this error during payroll updates.

Administrative Privileges

Make sure your QuickBooks application is running with administrative privileges and rights. If a user is not running QuickBooks with all these required rights, the software may not be able to access necessary files and services, causing error 15240 QuickBooks Desktop payroll update errors. 

Read More: QuickBooks Error 6177

Signs to Catch QuickBooks Update Error 15240

Identifying the signs of the update error 15240 in QuickBooks Desktop can help users diagnose the issue and choose the most appropriate method to fix it. Let’s have a quick look at the signs given below:

  • Error Message 15240 

One of the most obvious symptoms a user can encounter is the QuickBooks error message 15240. Usually, users get a message reading, “Error 15240: The payroll update did not complete successfully.”

  • Update Failure 

Due to the occurrence of the QuickBooks 15240 error, users are unable to download the latest updates of their QuickBooks payroll service. 

  • Unexpected Freezing of Software

Another sign a user can notice with QuickBooks update error 15240 is the unexpected freezing of the running Windows programs, including QuickBooks. 

  • Message for Digital Signature 

When a user fails to update QuickBooks payroll service due to the error 15240, they may get messages related to the Digital Signature verification. 

  • Slow Performance of QuickBooks 

Technical problems like payroll update error 15240 can significantly affect the performance of the QuickBooks software. As a result, a user might face slow performance, crashes, or unresponsiveness of QuickBooks. 

Also Know: QuickBooks Error Code 80070057

How Does the QuickBooks Update Error 15240 Hamper User’s Workflow?

The QuickBooks update error 15240 can significantly disrupt a user’s workflow by hindering essential operations within the software. Take a look at the below consequences to see how this error can impact productivity and day-to-day tasks:

  1. Interruption in QuickBooks Payroll Updates 

QuickBooks updates are crucial for accessing new features, implementing bug fixes, and incorporating security patches. When error 15240 occurs, it holds the update process, leaving the software outdated. Eventually, it can prevent users from accessing the latest tools and improvements, potentially leading to further bugs and security vulnerabilities.

  1. Causes Software Instability

Also, the QuickBooks update error 15240 makes QuickBooks unstable or prone to crashing due to the missing updates. This instability can cause frequent disruptions, requiring users to restart the software repeatedly. Certainly, such interruptions can be time-consuming and frustrating, decreasing overall productivity.

  1. Hampers Payroll Processing

For businesses relying on QuickBooks for payroll, error 15240 can be a major disruption. The error can prevent payroll updates from being downloaded and applied, which means payroll calculations may be incorrect. As a result, it can lead to issues such as incorrect tax calculations, delayed paychecks, and compliance problems with tax authorities.

  1. Delays Financial Reporting

Undoubtedly, QuickBooks is a vital tool for financial reporting and analysis. But, the QuickBooks error 15240 can delay the update process, which may include important patches for report generation features. Eventually, users might face difficulties in generating accurate financial reports, affecting decision-making and financial planning.

  1. No Access to the Improvised or Latest Features 

As noted above, QuickBooks updates often include new features designed to enhance user experience and efficiency. The error 15240 prevents these updates from being installed, meaning users miss out on potentially beneficial functionalities. However, it can result in a less efficient workflow and reliance on outdated methods.

How to Fix QuickBooks Error 15240? Expert Solutions! 

Resolving the payroll QuickBooks Error 15240 involves several troubleshooting steps. Below, we have explained the expert solution methods to help you. Follow these solutions to fix the error and restore normal payroll functionality to your QuickBooks software. 

Solution Method 1 – Verify the Correct Date and Time Settings

Verify the correct date and time settings

As has been noted, the incorrect date and time settings can majorly cause issues with security certificate verification, leading to payroll update error 15240 in QuickBooks. To verify and correct these settings:

  1. Firstly, right-click on the clock in the system tray (bottom-right corner of the screen). Next, select “Adjust date/time.”
  2. Following this, you need to make sure that the date and time are correct. If not, click on “Change date and time” and set the correct values.
  3. Now, choose the “Internet Time” tab, and click the change settings option. Afterward, select the box for “Synchronize with an Internet time server” and choose a server from the drop-down menu.
  4. Finally, you must choose the Update Now option, and then the OK button. Once you’ve corrected the date and time settings, now check the QuickBooks update error 15240. If the error 15249 still remains, move on with the next method. 

Solution Method 2 – Check your Internet Explorer Settings

Internet explorer settings

It’s essential to run an updated Internet Explorer version with its correct configuration and settings. Else, while trying to update the QuickBooks payroll service, users may face issues related to the web-based functionalities leading to the error 15240. Therefore, perform the given method and check these aspects: 

  1. Firstly, click on the Start menu or the search bar. Now, enter “Internet Explorer” and directly choose it from the appearing search results to open the browser.
  2. Next, choose and hit the gear icon (Tools) available in the upper-right corner of the Internet Explorer window.
  3. In this step, select “Internet options” from the dropdown menu, and then from the Internet Options window, move to the Security tab.
  4. Here, you need to ensure that the security level for the Internet zone is set to “Medium-high.” If it’s not, adjust the slider to set it to “Medium-high.”
  5. Following this, select the “Apply” button, and then hit the “OK” option. Afterward, you need to check the Advanced settings
  6. Click the Advanced tab by navigating to the Internet Options window. Here, keep scrolling down and then select the Security section. 
  7. Following this, you need to confirm that the boxes for Use TLS 1.0, Use TLS 1.1, and Use TLS 1.2 are tick-marked. If not, tick-mark the boxes. 
  8. Finally, you need to clear the SSL state, and hit the Apply and OK buttons. 

Solution Method 3 – Configure Firewall and Internet Security Settings

Configure firewall and internet security settings

If the above method hasn’t worked to troubleshoot the QuickBooks update error 15240, let’s try configuring the Firewall and Internet security settings. For this, you must carefully perform the steps below: 

  1. Initially, you need to add QuickBooks to the Firewall Exceptions list. For this, open the Run box (Windows + R), type control Panel, and hit the Enter option. 
  2. Next, go to the system and security tab, click the Windows Defender Firewall. Here, in this window, click on “Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall” on the left pane.
  3. Now, choose the Change settings option, and search for QuickBooks in the list of allowed apps and features. If you can’t find QuickBooks, you must click the “Allow another app…” option given at the bottom.
  4. Following this, click “Browse,” navigate to the QuickBooks installation folder, and select the QuickBooks executable file (QBW32.exe)
  5. Next, click the “Add” option, and make sure that both “Private” and “Public” checkboxes are checked for QuickBooks.
  6. After this, hit the OK option to save the changes. 
  7. Coming to the next step, now go to the Windows Defender Firewall window and click the Advanced settings on the left pane.
  8. Here, choose the Inbound Rules, and then click the New Rule. Following this, choose Port and then click the Next option. 
  9. Afterward, select TCP, and choose the Specific local ports
  10. Done? Now, carefully enter the port numbers for your version of QuickBooks, and choose the Next option. 
  11. Finally, allow the connection, name the new rule, and repeat all the above steps for Outbound Rules
  12. Once done, check for the QuickBooks error 15240 while updating payroll service. If you again see the same error message, let the following solution help you fix it. 

Solution Method 4 – Repair the QuickBooks Installation (If Corrupted)

Did you check your QuickBooks installation? As we have already explained, the corrupted installation can bring update issues like error 15240 in QuickBooks. Check the steps below to repair the QuickBooks installation (if required). 

  1. Firstly, we suggest you create an essential backup file for your QuickBooks data. 
  2. Once you have created the backup file, now restart your computer and close all the running Windows programs. 
  3. Next, open the Run box, type control panel, and directly tap the Enter key. Afterward, from the Control Panel, choose the Programs, and then the Programs and Features tab. 
  4. Right after this, search for QuickBooks Desktop from the list of all the installed programs on your computer system. 
  5. In the next step, once you find QuickBooks, click the same, select it, and choose the Uninstall/Change button. 
  6. Further, click the Repair alternative, and start the repairing process by choosing the Next option. 
  7. Following this, perform the prompts provided by the QuickBooks Installer. Next, once the repair process is complete, click “Finish.”
  8. Finally, restart your computer system, and check for the occurrence of error 15240 QuickBooks Desktop while updating the QuickBooks payroll service

Solution Method 5 –  Verify QuickBooks Payroll Subscription

A lapse or issue with your QuickBooks Payroll subscription can also cause Error 15240. To verify and rectify this:

  1. Initially, you must launch your QuickBooks Desktop application ensuring no other Windows applications are running in the background.
  2. In the next step, you must move to the “Employees” menu, and continue choosing the “My Payroll Service” option. 
  3. Now, click the “Account/Billing Information,” and make sure that your payroll subscription is active.
  4. However, if it’s not, follow the prompts to renew your subscription.
  5. Afterward, once you have successfully verified the payroll subscription, now you must try updating your QuickBooks payroll service.

Also See: QuickBooks Error PS032

Preventive Measures to Avoid QuickBooks Error 15240 in the Future 

To prevent future occurrences of QuickBooks Error 15240, consider implementing the following best practices:

  • Ensure that you regularly update your QuickBooks Desktop software and payroll services to the latest versions.
  • Always keep your computer system’s date and time settings accurate.
  • Use stable and secure internet connections when updating QuickBooks or related services such as payroll.
  • It’s essential to properly configure your firewall and security software to allow QuickBooks payroll service updates.
  • Always try to run QuickBooks with administrative privileges and rights to avoid access-related issues.
  • It’s a must to regularly check and verify your QuickBooks Payroll subscriptions to avoid any expiration that could cause payroll update errors.
  • You must regularly backup the QuickBooks company data to prevent data loss during QuickBooks service updates or troubleshooting processes.

Ask Our Expert Support Team for More..! 

So, here we end this blog! QuickBooks Error 15240 can prevent users from maintaining smooth financial operations. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and trying solutions for this error given above, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve it. But, if you continue to face payroll update issues with this error 15240, you must contact our QuickBooks support team for further professional assistance via our available Live Chat Support option. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

The error code 15240 in QuickBooks is an update error that occurs when the software fails to verify the digital signature of the update files. It’s often due to incorrect date and time settings, misconfigured Internet Explorer settings, or firewall issues.

To fix the error 15240 QuickBooks desktop:
• Make sure to correct your computer’s date and time settings.
• Configure Internet Explorer settings
• You must add the QuickBooks Desktop software to the list of firewall exceptions
• Run QuickBooks as an administrator.

QuickBooks Error 15240 occurs during payroll updates if the software cannot verify the digital signature of the update files, often due to incorrect security settings or expired payroll subscriptions.

Yes, firewall settings can block QuickBooks updates, leading to Error 15240. Ensure that QuickBooks and its related processes are added to your firewall exceptions list and necessary ports are open.

Yes, running QuickBooks without administrative privileges can prevent access to necessary files and services, causing Error 15240. Always run QuickBooks as an administrator to avoid this issue.

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